Into the Wild – Winterpresentations 2023
On March 13th our #SUGAR Winter Presentations in Karlsruhe took place. While all of the winter presentations were unforgettable, this year’s event was something special for us…
Application for Service Design Thinking program 2024 /25 is now open until July 08.
On May, 15 from 17:00 – 18:30, we offer a hybrid information event for all students who are interested in the upcoming program.
Students get a rare chance to learn the design thinking methodology by applying it themselves
The program emphasizes the Service part as services are becoming increasingly important
Working on real-world projects is the only way to build true experience and at the same time gives meaning to the work
On March 13th our #SUGAR Winter Presentations in Karlsruhe took place. While all of the winter presentations were unforgettable, this year’s event was something special for us…
Felix participated in the Service Design Thinking programme in 2018/2019, during which he worked
together with his team at KIT and HSG on a project for Plansee in China. Felix wrote his master’s
thesis at Fraunhofer ISI and is now working completely remotely at bloXmove.
The Service Design cycle 2021/22 is coming to an end. One main highlight was definitely the students‘ final presentation at this year’s SUGAR Network for Design Innovation EXPO, hosted by San Francisco State University. During the first weekend of June, 16 student teams from all over the globe presented their solutions to the innovation challenges they had received of their 15 corporate partners from various industries.