On Thursday and Friday, September 19 and 20, we kicked off the new cycle of our Service Design Thinking (SDT) program. This year, 21 students from four graduate programs at KIT (Computer Science, Electronical Engieering, Industrial Engieering, Information Systems, and Mechanical Engineering) participate in the programs.
In the Karlsruhe Kick-off the participants learn about the basics of Design Thinking and apply their newly gained knowledge to a real, but small challenge from practice. This year, Dr. Johannes Bernhardt from the Badisches Landesmuseum – museum on cultural history – challenged the program’s participants to develop ideas for digitally enhancing visitors‘ experiences at exhibitions.
We were delighted to welcome Christine Thong from Design Factory Melbourne at Swinburne University of Technology, Australia as a sepcial guest.
After working on a challenge from the museum for two days, we concluded our event by visiting their premises, the Karlsruhe palace, and enjoying the gorgeous view from the top of the tower. We are now ready to embark on our joint 10-months journey!