Hey thinkers, designers, curious persons or just everyone who got to our diary by accident.
Today, Friday 26 th of October, it is the 3rd day of our Global Kick-Off of the SUGAR Network in Hefei, China.
So, what is our workload and effort like? What’s on this day?
Staying in China for the event is lucky for us, as our team challenge is linked to the Chinese market. We got the opportunity to get to know experts face to face. Having conversations for hours and hours, talking in English and still suffering under the 6-hour time difference, we are running out of energy. No chance, the show must go on. Staying in one hotel with almost all students, short nights, quickly shared room parties, and the pool conquered by bathing hood wearing creatures are just a few impressions.
The international atmosphere increases creativity. Being familiar with your team members is the basis for a successful year together. We used the available time to familiarize with our partner team
from St. Gallen and build up a team spirit for the next months. Light prejudices disappeared quickly after we spent several hours explaining why we applied for this course, what we did in the past and which dreams we have for the future.
In the evening of this sunny Friday with surprisingly good air condition, the university served dinner for all students. Afterwards the big group split up in different activities and we went to a bar with live music and – compared to European prices – cheap drinks. Realizing the size of the emerging market in China, not knowing much about the culture and being overwhelmed by the helpfulness of the local students is just a short sum up of this day.
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