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The latest News From SDT


Pitch at Netzstrategen
SDT in the Media
Niels Feldmann

SDT at Netzstrategen’s afterwork event #nmfka

On Tuesday, September 14 Niels Feldmann presented the Service Design Thinking / SUGAR program at the afterwork event #nmfka (netzstrategen machen feierabend karlsruhe) organized by

Center Piece X
Niels Feldmann

The Museum in the Digital Space

Museums strive for more presence in the everyday life of the population. In a joint project wit the Baden State Museum in Karlsruhe we have developed a solution for the creation of digital content that appeals to citizens and museums alike: Center Piece X

SUGAR Winter Presentations 2021
Niels Feldmann

SUGAR+ Winter Presentations 2021

On Monday, March 8, almost 200 Design Thinking enthusiasts joined the SUGAR+ Winter Presentations 2021. This event is a major milestone in the current SUGAR

Anke Holtmann-Plog

New SDT-Cycle 2019/20 Kicked-Off

On Thursday and Friday, September 19 and 20, we kicked off the new cycle of our Service Design Thinking (SDT) program. This year, 21 students

Niels Feldmann

Porsche: Designing Services for Porsche Drivers

On July 4th, the Porsche team of the 2018/19 SUGAR cycle presented their project results at Porsche Digital in Ludwigsburg. The diverse audience, including some senior executives, coming from various Porsche units spent half a day with the team receiving an overview of their project


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